General FAQs

What are my log-in credentials for the Superform system?

As of May 17, 2019, the HSConnect system uses Pitt Passport, the University's Single Sign-On (SSO) service

  • All HSConnect users with a linked University of Pittsburgh employee record AND a University of Pittsburgh ( email account set as the primary email address will be required to use Pitt Passport and multifactor authentication to access the system. 
  • All HSConnect users with UPMC, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Magee-Womens Research Institute and Foundation, or other non-University of Pittsburgh email addresses ( listed as the primary account will continue to use the standard HSConnect login process, regardless of University affiliation or linked employee record.

Personnel who have never used an HSConnect application before should click the “Don’t have an account?” link on the login page to create a new HSConnect account, and if applicable, link their University of Pittsburgh employee record.

Who can reset my account username and/or password?

The COI Office cannot reset account usernames and passwords.  All password reset inquiries must be directed to one of the following offices, which vary by account type:

Account Type Helpdesk Name Contact Phone
Pitt Passport University Helpdesk (412) 624-4357
HSConnect SVC Health Sciences - iTarget Helpdesk* (412) 648-2222
UPMC UPMC ISD Helpdesk (412) 647-4357

Do not create duplicate HSConnect accounts for any reason.  This will cause substantial delays in the processing and activation of research funding.  All locked accounts should be addressed by one of the helpdesks above.

*The iTarget Helpdesk is open weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time.  Calls received after hours will be redirected to the 24/7 University Helpdesk.  Staff will create a helpdesk ticket in the iTarget system for resolution the following business day.

I can't see any of the COI forms in the Superform system after logging in.  How do I access them?

COI Superform System (HSConnect) users who are unable to see the list of COI forms will need to set an affiliation in their User Profile, preferably by linking their Pitt employee record.  To set a manual affiliation, click "Add a new affiliation" under the "Affiliations" heading in the "User-managed profile" section.

I am an investigator for multiple research projects, some of which are PHS funded, but others are not.  Do I complete both the "regular" COI form and the "PHS Funded" COI form?

No.  Faculty and researchers should only complete one of the COI disclosure forms.  For example, if an investigator receives PHS funding for just one out of his five research projects, he should still complete the PHS version of the COI form.

What do I do after completing the online COI disclosure form?

After completing the form(s), a "Filing History" page will appear.  Employees must print out and sign a copy of the signature page for each form completed for the current calendar year.  The signature pages are accessed by clicking on the form ID numbers in the list of submitted forms.

Once the signature page is printed and signed. employees give it to their direct supervisor for review. All employees must do this even if he or she does not have any outside interests to report.

For personnel located at the Pittsburgh (Oakland) campus, a supervisor is generally a department chairperson.  Some personnel in large departments, including the Department of Medicine, may have signature pages collected by a division chief.

Personnel at regional campuses and the Mechanicsburg Child Welfare Resource Center should submit their signature page to their division chairperson, division director, or equivalent supervisor.

I disclosed a financial interest on my form.  What must I do next?

Employees who disclose any financial relationships on their COI form(s) must work with their supervisor to complete the Management Reporting process.