Who Must Disclose?

University of Pittsburgh policy requires the following groups of personnel to file a disclosure form:

  • Upon appointment
  • Annually between January 1 and April 15
  • Within 30 days of discovering or acquiring and becoming aware of a new Significant Financial Interest (SFI) related to their institutional responsibilities

Some personnel may meet criteria in both groups below and must complete the appropriate disclosure steps for each group.

Disclosure Groups

University Member

  • All tenure and tenure-stream faculty
  • All investigators conducting research at the University

Designated Administrator

  • All staff with "Administrator IV" or higher job titles, or their equivalent
  • Any employee, regardless of classification, that is in a position to make, direct, or materially influence University business decisions, including but not limited to deans, department chairpersons, and center directors
  • Any employee who has significant input over the selection of outside vendors or providers of services
  • Any employee who is determined by their supervisor to meet this definition


Any employee on an unpaid leave from the University is not required to complete a disclosure form.

How to Complete a Disclosure

Disclosures are completed electronically through one of two systems: