What is an Individual Conflict of Interest?

An Individual Conflict of Interest (COI) is a situation in which a University Member’s outside interest, relationship or activity could directly or significantly impact (1) the design, conduct, outcome or reporting of University research, (2) how the University Member performs their institutional responsibilities or (3) result in personal gain for themselves or a member of their immediate family at the University’s expense.

Examples of Individual COI

  • An investigator provides consulting services to a company that sponsors their University research.  Support may include funding, drugs, devices, data, materials or services provided by the company in furtherance of the investigator’s University research.  
  • An investigator conducts research that tests or evaluates technology they invented and that has been licensed to an outside entity.
  • An investigator creates a University Licensed Startup Company and conducts University research that could affect the value of the company, including the value of the company’s products, services or technology.